Sunday, February 18, 2024

Photos #2: Herodes Atticus Bath at Alexandria Troas

The Herodes Atticus Bath at Alexandria Troas

This is the largest Roman bath yet discovered in Turkey, dated back to 135 CE during the reign of emperor Hadrian.

The bath and gymnasium had marble walls and vaults. Water wss delivered to the structure through aqueducts northeast of the bath. There have been no excavations in the area so far.

The structure totals 123 x 84 meters and is the largest bath in Anatolia.


Neapolis, the Port Town 尼亚波利 (现称 卡瓦拉)

 Neapolis, the ancient port where Paul first came to European soil, is now called Kavala.  尼亚波利(Neapolis)是保罗首次踏上欧洲土地的古老港口,现称为卡瓦拉(Kavala)。 By...