希伯来圣经,基督徒称之为旧约,是 24 本书的集合,用希伯来语写成(一小部分用亚拉姆语写成).
虽然对于希伯来圣经正典是何时被确定,至今尚无学术共识,但一些学者认为,希伯来圣经正典早在公元 1 世纪或哈斯蒙尼王朝(公元前 140-40 年,有人却认为早在公元公元前4世纪从流放归来后。
- 五本Torah “教导”;
- 八本 Nevi'im “先知”;
- 十一本Ketuvim “著作”,
总共 24 本书。
同样的书却被基督教细分为 39 本书来使用。
今天幸存下来的都是多份手抄本,最完整的是列宁格勒手抄本(Leningrad Codex, LC),大约在 1008 年左右在开罗制作的。
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列宁格勒手抄本Leningrad Codex |
自 1863 年以来,该手稿一直收藏在位于圣彼得堡的俄罗斯国家图书馆(此地在1924- 1991 年间,称为列宁格勒),因此被称为“列宁格勒抄本”。
LC 是自 1937 年以来的希伯来圣经和其他版本的基本文本。
还有一本阿勒颇手抄本(Aleppo Codex),于 920 年左右,可能书于提比里亚。此抄本比列宁格勒稍早,但在 1947 年失传了。其中一部分(占总数 487 页中的 294 页)重现,现存于以色列博物馆中,但大约 40% 丢失了,可能散在私人收藏家手中,可能被大火烧毁(它本来所在的犹太教堂于骚乱期间被烧毁 )。这份手抄本在阿勒颇已经有将近 600 年的历史。阿勒颇是当时奥斯曼帝国的第三大城市(仅次于君士坦丁堡和开罗)。
整本Torah都是一样的!所有 304,805 个字母都被一字不差。
在雅伟的话网站上,我们展示了旧约与列宁格勒版本(LC) ,以便您可以轻松地将和合本 (CUV) 翻译与原文 LC 进行对比。
The Old Testament Canon
The Hebrew Bible, which Christians call the Old Testament, is a collection of 24 books written in Hebrew (with a small portion in Aramaic).
Although there is no scholarly consensus as to when the Hebrew canon was established, some scholars believe that the Hebrew canon dates back to the 1st century AD, or the Hasmonean dynasty (140-40 BC, others thought it could be as early as the returned from exile in the 4th century BC.
Biblical scholars often refer to the collection of texts as the Hebrew Bible, but we should not confuse this term with the New Testament book of Hebrews.
The Jewish division of the books is very different from the Christian division. The Jewish classification is:
- Torah ("teaching") of five books;
- Nevi'im ("prophet") of eight books; and
- Ketuvim ("writings") of eleven books),
for a total of 24 books
The same books are subdivided into 39 books in the Christian Bible.
Besides, the listing order is also different.
In addition, the Hebrew Bible ends with 2 Chronicles, which recorded the return of the Jews to Jerusalem as the end of this period of history. The Christian Bible ends with the Minor Prophet, Malachi.
Hebrew Bible Manuscript
What survives today are multiple manuscripts, the most complete and earliest being the Leningrad Codex (LC), produced in Cairo around 1008.
Since 1863, the manuscript has been kept in the State Library of Russia in St. Petersburg (the city was known as Leningrad from 1924-1991), hence the name "Leningrad Codex".
LC is the basic text of the Hebrew Bible and other editions since 1937.
It is the earliest complete manuscript copy of the Hebrew Bible that survived today in the Hebrew language.
There is also an Aleppo Codex, circa 920, probably written in Tiberias. This codex predates Leningrad by a few decades but was lost in 1947 due to a riot. A portion of it (294 of the total 487 pages) resurfaced and is now in the Israel Museum, but about 40% is lost, possibly in the hands of private collectors, and possibly destroyed by fire (the synagogue where it was originally housed was burnt during the riot). The manuscript has been in Aleppo for nearly 600 years. Aleppo was then the third largest city in the Ottoman Empire at the time (after Constantinople and Cairo).
For the text of the Hebrew Bible, there is little variant difference.
The whole Torah is the same! All 304,805 letters were written word for word.
On our website, we are presenting the Old Testament with a digital version of the Leningrad Codex (LC), so that you can easily compare the CUV translation with the original text, the LC.