后来有使徒行传20章的记载中,我们可以了解到更多关于这城里的信徒团体; 保罗第三次宣教旅程再来到这里,与城中的信徒聚会。并提到一个年轻人的名字,犹推古,他从窗户掉下来,死了又被保罗救起,活了过来。
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source: https://www.dreamstime.com/hand-holding-piece-jigsaw-puzzle-word-vision-mission-selective-focus-image138846116 |
- 异象和异梦与圣灵的充满有关。
- 异象和异梦是人祷告等候的结果。
- 异像是给少年人的,也许保罗当时在特罗亚斯还没有我们想想般的那么老。
- 异梦是给老年人的,
- 异象和异梦都与“预言”联系在一起,先知是神的代言人。
耶和华如此说:"……使你站在我面前;你若将宝贵的和下贱的分别出来,你就可以当作我的口。" (耶 15:19b)
到了日期,借着传扬的工夫把他的道显明了;这传扬的责任是按着神我们救主的命令交托了我。 (多 1:3)
As Paul and his team of missionaries came to Troas, they were at the coast of the land. They were not allowed to go left or right along the way, and they came to the end of the road, what should they do next?
Certainly, they could stay and evangelize inside the city. Troas was a large city at that time.
And from later records in Acts 20, we can learn more about the group; of disciples in the city. And mention a young man by name, Eutychus, who fell from a window, died, and was raised alive.
We know nothing more about this group, or how the work began.
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When you are on a mission, the first lesson is to learn to hear the voice of God and follow God's guidance. It is not to make assumptions and rush to get busy with all kinds of activities.
Apparently, this is what Paul did. He received a vision during the night.
Vision and dream are ways that God would reveal His plans, it is not Paul's own vision nor ambitious dream.
Peter at the Pentecost quoted from Joel the following: 'And it will be in the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy, and your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. ' (Act 2:17)
- Vision and dream have to do with the filling of the Holy Spirit.
- Vision and dream are the result of prayer and waiting on man's part.
- visions are given to young men, maybe Paul wasn't that old at that time in Troas.
- dreams are given to old man,
- both visions and dreams are tied with "prophecy", being the mouthpiece of God.
Therefore thus says Yahweh,......"You will stand before me, And if you utter what is precious and not what is worthless, you will be as my mouth". (Jer 15:19b)
at the proper time has disclosed his message in the proclamation with which I was entrusted according to the command of God our Savior, (Tit 1:3)
Dreams and visions are not for building up the credential of the preacher but directly relate to the proclamation of the message from God.