使徒行传 16:6 圣灵既然禁止他们在亚西亚讲道,他们就经过弗吕家、加拉太一带地方。
7 到了每西亚的边界,他们想要往庇推尼去,耶稣的灵却不许。
8 他们就越过每西亚,下到特罗亚去。
(使徒行传 16:16:6-8)
写作的时间和特洛伊的位置已在历史中消失,实际上许多人将这些诗歌视为传说。这一带都统称为The Troad。
这是一个战略位置,向北穿过达达尼尔海峡(古称Hellespont,今称 Canakkais Bogazi),长 61 公里,宽 1.2 至 6 公里。
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SOurce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dardanelles#/media/File:Turkish_Strait_disambig.svg |
波斯的薛西斯在 Abydus 和 Sestus 之间架起了一座桥梁西征,该海峡相距 1.5 公里,于公元前 480 年入侵希腊。
Under the Leading of the Spirit
While Paul was on his second missionary journey, he certainly would remember the original purpose of the mission was to accomplish what the Spirit of God had sent him to do. He can do his best to cooperate and complete the task.
So, when he left the earlier points of contact he had established, that was Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, and Pisidian Antioch. After these places, he had to move to new territories. Where should he go next?
Acts 16:6 And they traveled through the Phrygian and Galatian region, having been prevented by the Holy Spirit from speaking the message in Asia.
7 And when they came to Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, and the Spirit of Jesus did not permit them.
8 So going through Mysia, they went down to Troas.
(Acts 16:16:6-8 LEB)
The City of Troas
The city of Troas was later named after Alexander, so it was also called "Alexandria Troas".
The name "Troas" is a form of "Troy", the ancient city made famous by Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. These ancient poems tell the story of the decade-long Trojan War between the city of Troy and the union of the Greek kingdoms of Mycenae.
The time of writing and the location of Troy are lost in history, and in fact, many people regard these poems as legends.
This area is collectively known as The Troad.
Troia was originally a Greek village and was named after Alexander the Great of Macedonia. It prospered and became a great city in the New Testament era.
According to history, both Julius Caesar and Constantine considered Troas as the new capital of the Roman Empire in their times. Probably because of its location.
It is one of two land bridges connecting the east and the west. Another place is Byzantium, the new capital of the Roman Empire that was finally chosen by Constantine in the 4th century.
Troas is a strategic location that connects north to Thrace, Greece, crossing the Dardanelles (in ancient times as Hellespont, now Canakkais Bogazi), 61 km long and 1.2 to 6 km wide.
Xerxes of Persia built a bridge between Abydus and Sestus where the strait was only 1.5 km apart, and invaded Greece in 480 BC. In 334 BC, Alexander the Great reversed the thrust and crossed the Dardanelles, eventually defeating the mighty Persian Empire.
The city was also a seaport hub, connecting shipping traffic in three directions, east to Asia and the Levant (present-day Middle East), west to Macedonia and Greece, and northeast to Byzantium and the Black Sea region via the Dardanelles, including Bithynia and Pontus.
So, having come to the sea, the next destination is to cross the sea into Macedonia, and this is a very logical step.