Monday, January 2, 2023

在夜间有异象 Vision in the Night


保罗既看见这异象,我们随即想要往马其顿去,以为神召我们传福音给那里的人听。 (使徒行传 16:9-10)

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神说一次、两次,世人却不理会。人躺在床上沉睡的时候,神就用梦和夜间的异象(约伯记 33:14-15)。(Indeed, God speaks in one way, even in two,  yet someone does not perceive it. In a dream, a vision of the night, when a deep sleep falls on men slumbering on their bed. )

“梦是夜晚的景象” (Dream = Vision of the Night)





  • 在古代时期(公元前 6 世纪之前)小亚细亚的西海岸也是希腊人的聚居地,被称为爱奥尼亚(Ionia)。
  • 然后随着波斯帝国的发展,居鲁士大帝于公元前 547 年征服了希腊人居住的爱奥尼亚地区。
  • 在古典时期(公元前 5 世纪和 4 世纪),希波战争仍在继续。波斯人将从东方出发,一路向西,来到特罗亚地区,然后穿越赫勒斯滂海峡(Hellespont)向西进发。
  • 公元前334年,亚历山大大帝力挽狂澜,同样渡过赫勒斯滂海峡,来到特罗亚半岛,然后向东进发,最终征服了波斯帝国。
  • 然后开始了300年的希腊化文化




今天大多数基督徒都是非犹太人。只有一小部分是犹太信徒,弥赛亚信徒(全世界 24 亿基督徒中约只有 350,000 人,约占 0.014%)。



也许彼得的话代表了当时犹太人的想法:“你们知道,犹太人和别国的人亲近来往本是不合例的” (使徒行传 10:28)。神借着重复 3 次的异象,向彼得传达一个信息:“神已经指示我,无论什么人都不可看作俗而不洁净的。”(使徒行传 10:28b)。


And a vision appeared to Paul during the night: a certain Macedonian man was standing there and imploring him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and6  help us!”

And when he had seen the vision, we wanted at once to go away to Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to proclaim the good news to them.  (Acts 16:9-10)

When Paul and his small band of missionary team arrived in Troas, the above statement was the only record of their activities there.

The particular event was Paul, he caught a vision during the night.  

I am not sure why it specified that it was a vision and not a "dream". Perhaps Paul was not sleeping yet, he was fully awake and caught the vision. 

Usually, when the Bible describes a vision, it is in the day time, the person was fully conscious. And for a dream, the person would be sleeping.

Indeed, God speaks in one way, even in two,  yet someone does not perceive it.  In a dream, a vision of the night, when a deep sleep falls on men slumbering on their bed.   (Job 33:14-15)

"A Dream is a Vision of the Night"

Whether Paul was sleeping or not is not the point, but he perceived that God is speaking to him through the vision.

The vision was a man, a Macedonian man, asking him to come to help them.

Macedon is in today's Northern part of Greece. It was the home country of Alexander the Great. 

Let us take a look into the history. 

  • During the Archaic period (Before 6th cent BCE) the western coast of the Asia Minor was Greek, known as Ionia
  • Then as the Persians gained power,  Cyrus the Great conquered the Greek-inhabited region of Ionia in 547 BC.
  • For the classical Period (5th & 4th Cent BCE), the Greco-Persian Wars continued.  The Persians would come from the East, and march up to this Troas region and across the Hellespont to venture west.
  • Alexander the Great in 334 B.C.E would reverse the tide, cross the Hellespont, and come here to the Troas peninsular, then venture east, and eventually would conquer the Perian Empire.
  • Then started the 300 years of Hellenistic Culture. 

Troas was indeed the place where the East meet the West.

What is important about the vision is that it was about Macedonia, a foreign Gentile race in the eyes of a Jew. The calling was specifically to the Greeks, an ethnic group distinct from the Jews. 

This Marks a New Phrase. 

Most Christians are non-Jews today. Only a small fraction are Jewish believers, Messianic believers (of about 350,000 out of 2.4 billion Christians in the world, approximately 0.014% ). 

We normally would not think twice about anything unusual about missionary work nor about reaching the non-Kews, we think it is taken for granted that Gospel should be to all nations and races.

But it was not like this in the time of the Acts. It took many steps in the history of development for the early Christians to arrive at this stage.

Perhaps the statement by Peter presented the Jewish thinking of those times: And he said to them, “You know that it is forbidden for a Jewish man to associate with or to approach a foreigner." (Acts 10:28). God had to convey a solution to Peter via a vision repeated 3 times: And Peter said to them, “ And to me, God has shown that I should call no man common or unclean." (Acts 10:28b).

How then was the Gospel to be preached to the Gentiles?

Neapolis, the Port Town 尼亚波利 (现称 卡瓦拉)

 Neapolis, the ancient port where Paul first came to European soil, is now called Kavala.  尼亚波利(Neapolis)是保罗首次踏上欧洲土地的古老港口,现称为卡瓦拉(Kavala)。 By...