Monday, October 17, 2022

01 圣经书卷单词搜索 - 何西亚书 Bible Books Word Search - Hosea - Excel Spreadsheet for Download

In this new series of Bible Book Word Search, I would like to help all our readers to search out all words of each book of the Bible, so that we can study the Word of God with clarity and accuracy.

One of the first things we need to do is to search out all the words that occur in the book.

In the coming days, we will systematically search out all the words that occur in each Book of the Bible.

The Method:

1.  All the data will be collected from the YahwehDeHua Website
2.  The final format will be put in an Excel format
3.  An Excel document will be provided for our readers to download at the end of each blog
4.  From there, you can start doing in-depth word studies to find the keywords and key themes of the Book.

Twelve Minor Prophet Books

We will begin with the 12 minor prophet books in the following order:

1. Hosea 
2. Joel 
3. Amos 
4. Obadiah 
5. Jonah 
6. Micah 
7. Nahum 
8. Habakkuk 
9. Zephaniah 
10. Haggai 
11. Zechariah 
12. Malachi 


To do word studies of each book:

Part A:  Collect individual words from the book

Part B Collect word families of the book    (Some individual words are grouped together in family groups)

Part A:  Individual Words of the Book of Hosea

Collect Data from YahwehDeHua Website

Step 1:    Go to:

Step 2:    Choose the book:  Hosea

Hosea has 14 chapters:  From Hosea 1:1 to Hosea 14:9

Step 3:    Scroll to the bottom of the page:


1.  Hit "All Hebrew Numbers"

2.  Hit "Submit an enquiry"

Step 4:    The data will appear on this page


This page is very long, so I show you only part of the page from the top.

1.  All the words are listed in the order of Strong's Numbers of Hebrew words

2.  If you look closely at the data even in these few words, you can see that the word "love" which is a theme of Hosea occurs 16 times.


The table also shows you how the word "love" is spread through the 14 chapters of Hosea.
- the most occurrence of "love" is 5 times in Hosea Chapter 1.
- or we can group them together that "love" occurs from Hosea 1-3 and Hosea 9-13

This gives you an idea of where the keywords are located and in which chapter or sections inside the book.

Step 5:  Export to Spreasheet


Click to "Export the spreadsheet": Excel format:



I will attach the Excel Spreadsheet for you to download onto your computer.

Once you have the Excel spreadsheet, you can do anything you want to find the information you want in terms of word frequencies, word occurrences of each chapter, the spread of the word in the book, the theme of each chapter, and the theme of the book.

Of course, word studies is only a start in exegesis. Context is most important when it comes to looking for themes in the book. You need to find not only individual words but how the words are used in the context of the chapter, the section, and the entire book.

Learn to look for "Key Phrases".  The Key phrases will direct you to the theme of the Book.  For Key phrases, you need to read the entire book at one sitting to grasp the whole context.  What I do is that in the next 14 days, I read the entire book once each day in prayer to absorb the message that God wants to speak to me.

Here are the 50 most frequent words of Hosea:

The larger the word, the higher the frequency:

- YHWH   -  46X
- Israel      -  44X
- Ephraim  - 37X
- God         - 26X

Looking at the words will give you an idea of some of the themes in the book.

Of all the prophets in the OT, Hosea pays special attention to Ephraim:

Hope you have enjoyed today's blog.

Feel free to give me your feedback,

PS  I will do Part B in the next post and take you step by step!


01 圣经书卷单词搜索 - 何西亚书 - Excel电子表格下载




The Method 方法:

1.       所有数据均来自雅伟的话语网站YahwehDeHua Website

2.      最终将以Excel 格式呈现

3.      每篇博文的末尾都会提供Excel文档供读者下载

4.      Excel那里您可以开始筛选进行深入的单词查考以找到该书的关键词和关键主题








1. 何西亚书


3. 阿摩西书

4. 俄巴底亚书


6. 弥迦

7. 鸿书

8. 哈巴谷书

9. 西番雅书

10. 该书

11. 撒迦利亚书

12. 玛拉基书






 A 部分从书中搜集单词 (single words)

 B 部分搜集书中的字系  (word family) ( 有些单词是合在一系)




从 YahwehDeHua 网站收集数据

 第一步: 《》网站







何西亚书一共有14:从 何西亚书1:1  到  何西亚书14:9







 1. 点击希伯来文全部

    2.  "提交查询"






 1.  所有单词是以《史特朗经文彙编希伯来语原文编号顺序列出

 2.  你仔细观察这几个词的数据你会发现作为何西阿其中之一主题关键词:这个词在这里出现了 16




  • 的出现次数最多是在何西亚书第一章一共5
  • 或者,我们可以将它们归纳一下这个字出现在何西亚书的1-3章和9-13 









点击汇出至试算表” :输出excel 格式





 ==> 您只需在此点击下载何西亚书单词Excel电子表!!







学习找出关键短语(Key Phrases)关键短语将会引导您书的主题而这关键短语需要您一口气读完整本书以致掌握全书的上下关联我会在接下来的14天里 每天都在灵修时间中读整本书一遍以吸收神想对我说的信息









- YHWH   -  46X

- Israel      -  44X

- Ephraim  - 37X

- God         - 26X










另外我会在下篇文章中写 B部分带您一步一步来






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