Thursday, October 13, 2022

查经:腓立比书 (01) The Philippians







The best way to follow any Bible Studying Method is by practice. I would like to invite you to participate in this series of Bible Studies. 

Studying the Bible by the book is one of the easier ways to follow than a topical study.

For a start, I will introduce the Pauline epistle to the Philippians.

Philippians is one of the favorite books in the New Testament. The overall atmosphere is most "joyful", it is not like Romans nor Galatians, full of doctrines and teachings. 

Then there are many famous "golden" verses in Philippians. It is small and relatively easy to handle. People just love this book.

Maybe the first lesson is to understand the title of the book:  "the Philippians".  What is it?  What does it mean?


Arriving Greek Mainland: Neapolis

 The seaport Neapolis Neapolis means the New City in Greek, today the city is called Kavala. The city in Roman times was  situated on the an...