Sunday, July 31, 2022

圣经翻译的其中三个重要关键 (之 1.1) -- 3 Important Issues to Bible Translation






这影响到二千多年来,大多数英文圣经遵循犹太人的先例,并用“the LORD(主)”代替了 YHWH。

钦定本 (KJV) 只有 7 节保留了这个词,翻译为“Jehovah(耶和华)”。


  • 杨氏直译本(Young's Literal Translation, YLT 1862)
  • 美国标准(American Standard Version, ASV 1901),

这些是在 和合本时代之前(1911)。

在 CUV 之后,还有其他以 Yahweh 为名出版的近代英文圣经。

  1. 1966 年《耶路撒冷圣经》(Jerusalem Bible, JB),它基于 1956 年的法语“La Bible de Jerusalem”(在 1999 年的法语版中,例如 Gen 2:4,YHWH 被翻译为“Yahvé”。)这本圣经由天主教会印刷。

    在《耶路撒冷圣经》中,“Yahweh”这个名字出现了 6823 次。耶路撒冷圣经很受欢迎,是天主教徒的标准圣经。它于 1985 年更新为《新耶路撒冷圣经》(New Jerusalem Bible, NJB)。尽管梵蒂冈重申了一项指令,即不得在天主教礼仪或音乐中发音读出上帝的名字,即四字神名 YHWH (不可读作Yahweh),这是因为引用了犹太人和教会历来的权威。

    然而,在 2007 年,天主教的公教真理学会 (Catholic Truth Society, CTS) 发布了《新天主教圣经》(New Catholic Bible NCT),它修订了 1966 年的《耶路撒冷圣经》。在整个旧约中,Yahweh这个名字被替换为“the LORD”。

    French “La Bible de Jerusalem” 1999

  2. Holman Christian Standard Bible 2003, 2009, 在第二版中,在 656 处用Yahweh。正如 HCSB 的介绍中所说:“在HCSB 中的使用"Yahweh"比在大多数圣经翻译中更频繁,因为英文中的"the Lord(主)"这个词是神的头衔,并没有准确地向现代读者传达在原文(希伯来语)圣经中对神名字的强调。”

    然后在下一次修订中,它更名为Christian Standard Bible (CSB 2017),神的名称"Yahweh"再次被“the LORD”所取代。

  3. Lexham English Bible (LEB 2011) 是由 Logos Bible Software 发布的在线圣经。 Logos 是英语学者和平信徒中所用的最强大圣经软件之一。

    LEB 在 5776 节经文中使用了“Yahweh”这个名字。

这就是我们在网上同时提供 HCSB 和 LEB, 与原文进行比较的原因。


Friday, July 29, 2022

关于 ASV 的更多说明 More Notes about ASV


当用希伯来语写YHWH 时,一贯地,把Adonai 的元音写在单词中,以提醒读者大声读 YHWH 时说 "Adonai 主"而不是发声为 "Yahweh"。


在 19 世纪,一些德国学者认定“Jehovah”是名称的错误发音,并“Jahveh”是较正确的发音(在德语中,字母“J”的发音类似于英语中的“Y”)。希伯来语字母中没有 W,而是V。

德国学术界开始用 Jahveh 而不再是“der Herr主”。

到 1870 年,英国学者开始模仿这一做法,他们首先在为学者设计的作品中使用“Jahveh”(引德国为例),后来又使用“Yahweh”(1880 年后更频繁地使用)。但这些学者认为没有必要纠正常用的英文圣经中的LORD。


从修订版RV 1885   到美国标准版ASV1901  到新美国标准圣经NASB 1971


Revised Version 1885 年版 序言


但是当美国人出版 ASV 时,他们实际上用“耶和华”全面代替了。 卻他们的前言如下。

美国版1901 前言


在英美审校共同工作的过程中,一致认为,在尊重所有最终分歧点的情况下,在审校工作中具有主动权的英国应拥有决定权。但作为对这一点的补偿,英国方面建议在 14 年的期限内,将美国人的偏好提议作为附录出版在每本修订版圣经中。美国委员会承诺,在相同的有限期限内,除英格兰大学出版社发行的版本外,不批准任何其他版本的修订版的出版。



附录中首次建议的更改——用“耶和华”代替“LORD”和“GOD”——是许多人不欢迎的,因为这名字长期被替换的频率和熟悉程度。但是,美国的修订者经过仔细考虑后一致认为,犹太人的迷信认为神的名字YHWH太神圣而无法说出,但此想法不应该再在英文或旧约的任何其他外语版本中占主导地位,因为幸运的是,现代传教士制作的众多(外语)版本中没有用LORD。 “耶和华”这个值得纪念名称,在 出3:14-15 节,并在旧约原文中一再强调,指明神是位格的神、立约的神、启示的神、拯救者、他子民的朋友; ——不仅是许多法语翻译中抽象的“永恒者The Eternal”,而且是那些处于困境中的人永远活着的帮助者。这是专有名字(personal name),连同其丰富的神圣联想,现在恢复到它在神圣文本中拥有无可置疑的地位。

但在下一次修订中,NASB 1971再次将神的名字恢复为“LORD”。

YHWH(在 ASV中译为“耶和华”)在 NASB 中恢复用大写字母译为“LORD”或“GOD”。 NASB组委会说明原因:

猶太人因為敬畏神名的偉大神聖性,所以這個名字沒有被猶太人念出。因此,它一直被一致地譯為 "LORD"。唯一的例外是,當它與Lord這個詞相鄰時,也就是亞多奈(Adonai)。 在這種情況下,為了避免混淆,通常將其譯為 "GOD"。 眾所周知,多年來,YHWH一直被譯為Yahweh,然而,這種讀音並沒有完全確定的說法。


容我用以下 4 点评论作总结。

  1. 神有一个名字,他向犹太人透露他的名字是YHWH。在希伯来旧约中重复了 6828 次。
  2. 犹太人和后来的基督徒用LORD/GOD代替了 YHWH。 YHWH 的名字已被抹去。
  3. "耶和华"是用词不当。这是YHWH + Adonai的捏造发音。
  4. 虽然没有人能 100% 确定发音(因为 2000 多年来没有人发声读YHWH了,失传了),但 Yahweh 是个最好的选择,并且被现代学术界广泛接受,尽管大多数平信徒并不熟悉 Yahweh 这个名字。

參考:  Section 1.1 YHWH

How did the Jews handle YHWH in the text?

It became very standard when YHWH was written in Hebrew, that the vowels for Adonai were written in the word, to remind anyone reading YHWH out loud to say Adonai and not vocalized as Yahweh. 

When Western scholars studied Hebrew texts in the Middle Ages, they were largely unaware of these nuances. So they mistakenly assumed that the transliteration of the name was "Jehovah".

In the 19th century, some German scholars identified "Jehovah" as a mispronunciation of the name and "JaHVeH" as the more correct pronunciation (in German, the letter "J" is pronounced like "Y" in English). There is no W in the Hebrew letter.

German academia began to use the word "Jahveh" instead of "der Herr ".

By 1870s British scholars began to imitate the practice, first using "Jahveh" (citing Germany as an example) in works designed for scholars, and later "Yahweh" (more frequently after 1880s). But these scholars see no need to correct the commonly used English Bible.

Although these scholars knew the pronunciation of "Yahweh" was incorrect, ASV editors felt that it was unwise to use "Yahweh" because it was unfamiliar to the public and was a brand new name.

From RV1885 to ASV 1901 to NASB 1971, Each has a Point

I found more interesting information on the Revised Version and the American Standard Version, as well as the New American Standard Bible.

Revised Version 1885 Preface

It has been thought advisable in regard to the word "JEHOVAH" to follow the usage of the Authorised Version, and not to insert it uniformly in place of "LORD" or "GOD," which when printed in small capitals represent the words substituted by Jewish custom for the ineffable Name according to the vowel points by which it is distinguished. It will be found, therefore, that in this respect the Authorised Version has been departed from only in a few passages, in which the introduction of a proper name seemed to be required.

But when the Americans published the ASV, they literally substituted every YHWH with "Jehovah". Their Preface is as followed.



In the course of the joint labors of the English and American Revisers it was agreed that, respecting all points of ultimate difference, the English Companies, who had had the initiative in the work of revision, should have the decisive vote. But as an offset to this, it was proposed on the British side that the American preferences should be published as an Appendix in every copy of the Revised Bible during a term of fourteen years. The American Committee on their part pledged themselves to give, for the same limited period, no sanction to the publication of any other editions of the Revised Version than those issued by the University Presses of England.


The remainder of this Preface has especial reference to the Old Testament. Nothing needs to be said about the various particular proposals which are found in the Appendix of the English Revised Version. But some remarks may be made concerning the General Classes of changes therein specified, and also concerning those emendations in this edition which are additional to those prescribed in the Appendix.

The change first recommended in the Appendix - that which substitutes "Jehovah" for "LORD" and "GOD" - is one which will be unwelcome to many, because of the frequency and familiarity of the terms displaced. But the American Revisers, after a careful consideration were brought to the unanimous conviction that a Jewish superstition, which regarded the Divine Name as too sacred to be uttered, ought no longer to dominate in the English or any other version of the Old Testament, as it fortunately does not in the numerous versions made by modern missionaries. This Memorial Name, explained in Ex. iii. 14, 15, and emphasized as such over and over in the original text of the Old Testament, designates God as the personal God, as the covenant God, the God of revelation, the Deliverer, the Friend of his people; -- not merely the abstractly "Eternal One" of many French translations, but the ever living Helper of those who are in trouble. This personal name, with its wealth of sacred associations, is now restored to the place in the sacred text to which it has an unquestionable claim.

But in the next revision, the NASB reverted the issue again, YHWH is back to the "LORD" again.

The committee stated the reason as:

This name has not been pronounced by the Jews because of reverence for the great sacredness of the divine name. Therefore it has been consistently translated LORD. The only exception is when it occurs in immediate proximity to the word Lord, that is, Adonai. In that case it is regularly translated GOD in order to avoid confusion. It is known that for many years YHWH has been transliterated as Yahweh, however no complete certainty attaches to this pronunciation.

So, this indeed is very confusing for the average church-goers.

If I may conclude with the following 4 remarks.

  1. God has a name, and He revealed His name to the Jews as YHWH. It is repeated 6828 times in the Hebrew Old Testament.
  2. The Jews and the subsequent Christians substituted YHWH with LORD/GOD. The name YHWH has been obliterated.
  3. Jehovah is a misnomer. It is a fabricated pronunciation from YHWH + Adonai.
  4. While no one can be 100% certain of the pronunciation (because it has not been vocalized for more than 2,000 years), Yahweh is the best choice and is widely accepted by academics, though most lay Christians are not familiar with this name Yahweh.

Reference:  Section 1.1 YHWH

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

神的名字被隐藏了 The Name of God Has Been Obscured

 YHWH - 神 - 主

在旧约中,“神”的希伯来词是 Elohim。神也被称为“主”,是希伯来语 Adonai 的翻译。然而,出埃及记 3:14 -15 中神的独特专有名称是 YHWH,可以大至翻译为“我是”。





他们认为他们的问题按照十诫来说,是妄称了神的名,所以他们极端化了,从第二圣殿时代开始,他们就养成了从不再说神名的习惯。 而是使用“Adonai 主” 来表达。

但这不是 יהוה 的翻译,而是一种替代,完全埋没了神的名字。



对于英文圣经,自 钦定本(KJV) 以来,大多数翻译都同样使用普通名词“LORD”(用小写字母书写)来代替。同样,这不是 יהוה 的翻译,而是一种替代,完全隐藏了神的名字。

这一传统在 19 世纪前后被 2 部圣经暂时打破,即杨格(他是杨格氏汇编的作者)的直译本 (Young's Literal Translation, YLT 1862) 和美国标准版 (American Standard Version, ASV 1901)。

杨氏在第二版(1898 年)的直译中,将整本旧约中的希伯来四字神名译为“Jehovah耶和华”,而不是按传统的做法,用小写字母表示为“LORD”。

我们要更多地关注美国标准版 (ASV)。

ASV是美国人在修订版(Revised Version, or English Revised Version, RV/ERV,由英国人于 1885 年出版。它是对 钦定本(KJV 1611) 的完整和重大修订)。

RV/ERV 和 ASV 都是在 和合本CUV 翻译期間出版的。 和合本是基于 RV/ASV 的英文文本,这些是当代最新的英文圣经。

许多读者都知道 和合本與 欽定本 中间存在許多差異,但很少有人知道 CUV 是基于 RV 的。 我们这一代人对RV一点都不熟悉,这是基於另一个事实,RV很快又被改版了,1952年又出了一个更新的标准修订版Revised Standard Version, RSV。我是在RSV时代、使用RSV长大的。

RSV 后来成为另外两个修订版的基础——新修订标准版 (New Revised Standard Version, NRSV 1989) 和英文标准版 (English Standard Version, ESV 2001)。


ASV 在对 RV 进行了一些细微更改的同时,还有 2 个更重要的更改:

  1. 全能者的神圣名称(四字神名)在 ASV 旧约圣经的 6,823 处始终使用Jehovah,而不是在钦定本 或 (英)修订版 中的LORD。
    • 钦定本中只有七节经文出现了Jehovah:创世记 22:14、出埃及记 6:3、出埃及记 17:15、士师记 6:24、诗篇 83:18 和以赛亚书 12:2、26:4 以及它的缩写形式,Jah (诗篇 68:4 )。
    • 英文修订版 (RV 1881–1885) 将 Tetragrammaton 翻译为Jehovah 15次,除了钦定本外,另加八次。 (出埃及记 6:2,6-8、诗篇 68:20、以赛亚书 49:14、耶利米书 16 中: 21 和哈巴谷书 3:19 ,加上其缩写形式 Jah,在诗篇 68:4 和诗篇 89:8 中出现两次。)
  2. 用 “Holy Spirit圣灵” 取代 “Holy Ghost”。

所以,和合本把YHWH译为音译"耶和华" 而不是LORD(主),并非没有先例。


In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for “God” is Elohim.  God is also called “Lord,” which is a translation of the Hebrew Adonai.   However, the special proper name of God that is given in Exodus 3:14 -15 is YHWH, which could be roughly translated as "I AM”.

The ancient Jewish people knew the name of their God without any confusion. 

However, as they disobeyed YHWH and worshipped other false gods throughout the centuries, God, time and time again, sent prophets (His spokesmen) to warn and correct them, but to no avail.

Then God allowed catastrophes to happen:  the fall of the Jewish kingdoms (Nothern Kingdom Israel in 722BC and Southern Kindom Judah in 586BC). The majority of the population was deported and exiled for 70 years.

 After the Jews returned and rebuilt their fatherland, there was a substantial change in their religious practice.

They thought their problem was taking the name of God in vain, according to the Ten Commandments, so much so that they took the matter to the extremes, to the point that, since the Second Temple era, they made a habit of never saying Yahweh, instead typically using the expression "Adonai", which means Lord.

But this is not a translation of יהוה, it is a kind of substitution, which obscures the name of God altogether.

The Talmud said that the Name was spoken only by priests in the Temple.  

To the Jews, then and now,  the Name of God is unpronounceable. 

For English Bibles, since the KJV, most of the translations used the common noun “LORD” (written in small caps).  Again, this is not a translation of יהוה; it is a kind of substitution, which obscures the name of God altogether.

This tradition was temporarily broken in the 19th century, by 2 Bibles, the Young's Literal Translation (YLT 1862) and the American Standard Version (ASV 1901). 

Young's Literal Translation in the second edition (1898) consistently renders the Hebrew tetragrammaton (divine name) throughout the Old Testament as "Jehovah", instead of the traditional practice of representing the tetragrammaton in English as "LORD" in small capitals.

More attention should be paid to The American Standard Version. It was produced by Americans after the Revised Version (also known as the English Revised Version ERV, produced by the British in 1885. It was a complete and major revision of the KJV (first published in 1611).) 

Both the RV(ERV) and the ASV were published in the same era while the CUV translation was underway. The CUV was based on the English text of the RV/ASV, as these were the latest revision of the English Bible at that time. 

Many readers are aware of the difference between the CUV and the KJV, but few are aware that the CUV was based on RV. Our generation is not familiar with the RV at all as this is due to one fact, that the RV was revised again and a newer version Revised Standard Version came out in 1952. I was brought up in the era of RSV.

The RSV later served as the basis for two more revisions—the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV 1989), and the English Standard Version (ESV 2001).


However, the ASV while making some minor changes from the RV, there were 2 more significant changes:

(1) The divine name of the Almighty (the Tetragrammaton) is consistently rendered Jehovah in 6,823 places of the ASV Old Testament, rather than LORD as it appears mostly in the King James Bible and Revised Version of 1881–85. 

  • There are seven verses in the King James Bible where the divine name appears: Genesis 22:14, Exodus 6:3, Exodus 17:15, Judges 6:24, Psalm 83:18, and Isaiah 12:2, 26:4 plus its abbreviated form, Jah, in Psalms 68:4. 
  • The English Revised Version (1881–1885) renders the Tetragrammaton as Jehovah where it appears in the King James Version, and another eight times in Exodus 6:2,6–8, Psalm 68:20, Isaiah 49:14, Jeremiah 16:21 and Habakkuk 3:19 plus as its abbreviated form, Jah, twice in Psalm 68:4 and Psalm 89:8. 

(2) using the words "Holy Spirit" instead of "Holy Ghost".

So CUV is not without precedent in rendering YHWH as phonetical transliteration instead of LORD.


Monday, July 25, 2022

神的名字 The Name of God



在希伯来语圣经中,神有一个特定的个性化的专有名称,它以 4 个字母表示,יהוה(音译成拉丁字母为“JHVH”,英文是 YHWH)。这个词被圣经学者称为 Tetragrammaton(希腊语为“四个字母”,华人学术界称为"四字神名")。

יהוה这个词在希伯来圣经中被使用了近七千次,(精确地说,根据BibleWorks的数据为 6,828次),覆盖从创世记到最后一本小先知书,包括那些被放逐后的先知,例如哈该、撒迦利亚和玛拉基。唯一的例外是以斯帖记、传道书和雅歌,没有提到这个名字。





יהוה 使用古典拉丁字母音译为 JHVH。

  • 拉丁字母 [yod י ] - J 带有 Y 音。英语中的 Y 仅在 10 至 15 世纪的中后期才出现。
  • 字母 [vav ו ] 通常音译为 V,但在发音中,它是 [w] 音。

因此, יהוה 在英文中的字母对译是 YHWH,而有些学者则写成 YHVH。

现代学者对YHWH大写为“Yahweh”是普遍接受的共识。我们采用普通话的音译为 "雅伟"。 ("耶和华"是上世纪的一个误译,容我下文以后交代。)


As the Royal name of the Pharoah was the key to deciphering the Egyptian Hieroglyphs, the name of God is the most significant issue in the Bible.

In the Hebrew language Bible, God has a specific personalized proper name, presented in 4 alphabets:  יהוה (transliterated into Latin alphabets as "YHWH"). This word is known by Biblical scholars as the Tetragrammaton (Greek for “four letters”). 

The word יהוה is used nearly seven thousand times in the Hebrew Bible, to be exact, (the count totals 6,828 by the Biblework software) throughout from the Book of Genesis to the last of the books, the Latter Prophets, including those post-exilic ones such as Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. The only exceptions are the books of Esther, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon, where there is no mention of the name at all. 

Clearly, there is no prohibition for the Hebrew Bible authors from using "YHWH".

Clearly, God wants us to call Him by His name Yahweh. He said so more than 6,800 times. It must be what He wants.

Notes on the transliteration of Hebrew:

As the Hebrew alphabet has only consonants, not vowels. 

יהוה is transliterated using classical Latin letters as JHVH.

  • The letter [yod י ] - J in Latin carries a Y sound. Y in English is introduced only in the Late Middle age, 10th-15th centuries.
  • The letter [vav ו ] is often transliterated as a V, but in pronunciation, it is a [w] sound.

Therefore, a reasonable transliteration (not “translation”) of יהוה in English is  YHWH, while some scholars write it as YHVH.

Modern scholars reach a virtual consensus of "Yahweh" as a generally accepted form.


Saturday, July 23, 2022

罗塞塔石碑 The Rosetta Stone (2)

 罗塞塔石碑(Rosetta Stone) 有 3 种类型的文字(从上到下):

  • 14行象形文字:无人能懂的图像标志
  • 32 行 Demotic 文本:某种形式的字母草书Coptic文字,共识别出 29 个字母。
  • 53 行希腊文本:这提供了起点,因为古希腊是众所周知的学者

Rosetta Stone
1811 年,萨西 (Silvestre de Sacy) 在与一名中国学生讨论中文的情况下,考虑了乔治·佐加 (Georg Zoega) 于 1797 年提出的建议,即埃及象形文字可能是用语音书写的。

Thomas Young 开始寻找应该包含希腊名字的文字(cartouche 即用椭圆包围的文字,表示该词是法老的名字),并尝试识别其中的语音字符。


在此基础上和罗塞塔石碑上的名字,商博良(Jean-Francois Champollion )构建了一个注音象形文字字母表。商博良借鉴了许多其他文本,后来于 1832 年出版了古埃及语法和象形文字词典。




罗塞塔石碑上的文字是祭司们在托勒密五世加冕一周年(公元前 196 年)通过的一项法令。如今,罗塞塔石碑仍然是大英博物馆的顶级展品,是镇馆之宝之一,参观者络绎不绝。但是没有人对法令本身感兴趣,也许只有历史学者和考古学家会阅读它。这石头上的二千多年前的信息,对今天的我们不再重要了。



The Rosetta Stone has 3 types of text (from top to bottom): 

  • 14 lines of the Hierglyphic text:  no more than 24 signs
  • 32 lines of the Demotic text:  some form of an alphabetical cursive Coptic script, some identified 29 alphabets.
  • 53 lines of the Greek text: this  provided the starting point, as ancient Greek was widely known to scholars

In 1811, Silvestre de Sacy, prompted by discussions with a Chinese student about Chinese script,  considered a suggestion made by Georg Zoega in 1797 that the foreign names in Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions might be written phonetically. 

Thomas Young started looking for the cartouches (the text enclosed by an oval indicating that the word is a royal name) that ought to contain Greek names and tried to identify phonetic characters in them. 

The only cartouch on the Rosetta Stone was Ptolemy.

On the basis of this and the foreign names on the Rosetta Stone, Jean-Francois Champollion constructed an alphabet of phonetic hieroglyphic characters.  Champollion drew on many other texts to develop an Ancient Egyptian grammar and a hieroglyphic dictionary which were published after his death in 1832.

Now, scholars discovered the fact that the three versions cannot be matched word for word. This explains why the decipherment was more difficult than originally expected

The term "Rosetta stone" has also been used idiomatically to denote the first crucial key in the process of decryption of encoded information.

 It is the key to decipherment itself.

The writing on the Rosetta Stone was a decree passed by a council of priests, on the first anniversary of Ptolemy V's coronation (in 196 BC). today the Rosetta Stone is still the top exhibit at the British Museum, with crowds of visitors swarming to see it. But no one is interested in the decree itself, perhaps only the historians and the archaeologists would read it. The information on the stone does not matter anymore. 

As the Rosetta Stone opened the door to Egyptian hieroglyphs, and to ancient Egyptian archaeology, I hope that the Interlinear Bible can also enrich you in reading the Bible, and thru the word of God, you can come to a closer knowledge of the creator God. 

The Bible is the most important book, as it points us to God.


罗塞塔石碑 The Rosetta Stone (1)


象形文字(这个词来自希腊语词源,意思是“神圣+雕刻/书写”)似乎是标志或图像文字,它们被发现刻在纪念碑、方尖碑和寺庙墙壁上,写在纸莎草和木板上,有大约 1,000 个不同的字符。它们非常古老,有些早在第二王朝(公元前28世纪)。然而,随着 4 世纪埃及皈依基督教和神庙祭司的消亡,象形文字不再被使用;随着宗教的改变,与过去的联系被切断,因此在随后的几个世纪中,成了没有人可以解读的象形文字。

研究罗塞塔石碑多年后,商博良Jean-François Champollion终于在 1820 年代完成了象形文字的破译工作。

罗塞塔石碑是破碎石碑的下部。它是黑色花岗闪长岩(一种花岗岩,上面写上白色文字),112 厘米 x 76 厘米,上面刻有公元前 196 年埃及孟菲斯颁布法令,用上三种语言。最初放置在一座寺庙中,可能在赛斯(Sais)附近。后来它被搬迁到尼罗河三角洲的罗塞塔镇(Rosetta),并被重新用作建筑材料。 

1799 年 7 月,被法国军官 Pierre-Francois Bouchard(拿破仑的埃及远征军的一名工程师)重新发现了。

当英国人击败法国人后,他们于 1801 年把这块石头带到伦敦。


source:  A. Parrot, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons


A most fascinating story relating to translation is the deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphs.   

Hieroglyphs (the etymology of the word comes from Greek,  sacred + craved /writing) seem to be logographic or pictograms. They were found carved on monuments, obelisks, and temple walls, written on papyrus and wood, with some 1,000 distinct characters. 

They were old, some from Second Dynasty (28th century BCE).  However, as monumental use of hieroglyphs ceased as temple priesthoods died out and Egypt was converted to Christianity in the 4th century; with the change of religion, the link to the past had been severed., so much so that in later centuries nobody could understand the hieroglyphs any longer. 

The decipherment of hieroglyphic writing was finally accomplished in the 1820s by Jean-François Champollion, with the help of the Rosetta Stone.

The Rosetta Stone is the lower part of a broken stele. It is a stone of black granodiorite (a kind of granite, lead-colored stone with scripts craved in white), 112 cm by 76 cm, inscribed with three languages of a decree issued in Memphis, Egypt, in 196 BC.

Originally placed within a temple, possibly at nearby Sais. It was relocated later to the town of Rosetta in the Nile Delta and reused as a building material. It was discovered by French officer Pierre-Francois Bouchard (an officer in the French Army of engineers of Napoleon's Egypt Expedition) in July 1799.  When the British defeated the French they took the stone to London in 1801.  It is now in the British Museum.


Thursday, July 21, 2022

译文与原文比较 Compare the Translations

 使用原文编号,您会注意到 2 个额外的功能

  1. 蓝色代码文法编码,是针对动词的 TVM,代表 Tense(时间),Voice(语态), Mood(语气)。
  2. 在这节经文中括号中的原文编号 (H853) 表示希伯来语单词没有被翻译,或至少没有被完全翻译。 H853 是一个不可翻译的希伯来词,它是一个助词,是确定直接宾语的标记,是不用翻译的,但通常在宾格之前并表示宾格。

一旦您熟悉了我们的设置,您就可以轻松比较中文、原文和英文翻译。不难发现任何不规则之处,例如,在启 2:26

和合本:  ...又遵守我命令到底的,

呂振中:  ... 和那遵守到底我所吩咐行的

LEB:          ... and who keeps my works until the end...

HCSB: :     ... My  works G2041


新譯本:     ... 又遵守我的旨意到底的...

CSB:         ... 把我的工作 G2041持守....

新漢語:  ... 那得勝又持守我的工作*到底的,[附注* 2:26 持守我的工作或譯作「遵守我的命令」。此外,原文τὰ ἔργα μου「我的工作」與上文τῶν ἔργων αὐτῆς「她〔耶洗別〕的作為」(22節)作對比。]

G2041= works, deeds 工作




With the Strong's number, you will notice 2 extra features:

  1. the Blue Codes are the TVM of the verbs, standing for Tense, Voice and Mood.
  2. the Strong's Number in brackets (H853) in this verse means that the Hebrew word is not being translated, or at least not fully translated.  The H853 is a Hebrew word that is non-translatable, it is a particle, a marker of the definite direct object, not translated in English but generally preceding and indicating the accusative.
Using the Strong's Number, you can easily compare the translations with the Original Language Text, and can see which translation is closer to the original.

An example is given against the CUV Rev 2:26.

Come, enjoy your reading of the word of God.


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

原文编号 Strong's Number


原文编号只是一个索引圣经根词的系统,从字母列表(如字典)配上数字顺序编号。这位詹姆斯·史特朗神学教授(1822-1894)出版了史特朗经文汇编(c 1890)用数字顺序列举了所有希伯来语和希腊语的单词。使用原文编号十分容易。简而言之,您甚至可以跳过学习外国字母。



  • - 旧约中的 8,674 个希伯来语词根。 (例如:H1254 בָּרָא bara' 创造)
  • - 新约中的 5,624 个希腊语词根 [其中省略了编号 2717 和 3203-3302,因此新约词汇中只收集了 5524 个单词。 ] (例如:G2098 εὐαγγέλιον euaggelion 福音)

。在 18、19 世纪,拉丁语和希腊语是高等教育的一部分。大多数博学之士都懂拉丁语、希腊语,甚至德语、法语和英语,至少要达到阅读理解的水平。受过大学训练的牧师们在处理希腊字母和单词方面没有太大的困难。但随着史特朗将他的索引扩展到包括一个编号系统后,任何读者都可以轻松地使用他的经文汇编。这是一个超越其他汇编的巨大附加值。平信徒没有理由再对查考圣经而无从下手。

What is the Strong's Number?

The Strong's Number is just a system of enlisting all the vocabularies of the root words (the lemma) of the Bible.  Instead of an alphabetical list (like a dictionary), this professor James Strong (1822-1894) published The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (c 1890), enumerated the Hebrew and Greek words by a number, which is much easier to refer to. In short, you can skip learning even the foreign alphabet.

When you use our Interlinear Bible, you simply follow the Strong's numbers.  You can easily match the words in Chinese, the original Hebrew, and English.

Strong's Concordance listed:

  • - 8,674 Hebrew root words in the Old Testament. (e.g.: H1254 בָּרָא bara')
  • - 5,624 Greek root words in the New Testament. (e.g.: G2098 εὐαγγέλιον euaggelion) [With the omission of the numbers 2717 and 3203–3302, therefore there are only 5524 words in the New Testament vocabulary.]

This is innovative.  In the 18th and 19th centuries, Latin and Greek were part of higher education. Most learned scholars had to learn Latin, Greek, and even German, French, and English, at least to the level of reading comprehension. University-trained ministers had no great difficulties in handling the Greek alphabet and words. But as Strong extend his concordance to include a numbering system, any reader can use his concordance with ease. This is a great added value beyond the other concordances. There is no reason that lay Christians should be ignorant of word studies.

圣经原文汇编 Bible Concordance



顺便说一句,史特朗经文汇编(Strong's Concordance)不是第一本也不是唯一的英语经文汇编。 Strong's 是第一个按单词字母顺序匹配数字的编号系统。

  • 1230 年,红衣主教 Hugo de Saint-Cher 完成了第一本圣经索引的 Vulgate(拉丁语)汇编。
  • 1448 年, Isaac Nathan ben Kalonymus 出版了第一部希伯来语汇编。
  • 1546 年,伯肯 (Birken) 编写了第一部希腊语新约圣经汇编。
  • 1535 年,托马斯·吉布森 (Thomas Gybson) 编写了第一部英文汇编(仅限新约)。
  • 几个世纪后,亚历山大·克鲁登 (Alexander Cruden) 出版了对照英文钦定本的汇编 (1737)。乔治·威格拉姆 (George Wigram) 也出了汇编 The Englishman's Greek Concordance of New Testament (1839) and The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldaic Concordance (1843)。
  • 然后是对照英文钦定本的杨格氏汇编Young's Analytical Concordance (1879),和史特朗的汇编 (1890)。

时至今日,仍可买到 Cruden's、Wilgram's、Young's 和 Strong's的印刷版汇编。由此可见这些书的重要性。


What is a Bible Concordance?

It is simply a list, alphabetically, of every word in the Bible, with chapter and verse references so that the reader to locate the passages of the Bible where the words are being used. It is just like an index of the words in the Bible.

By the way, Strong's is not the first nor the only English concordance. Strong's is the first to use a numbering system matching the words in alphabetical order.

  • The first Bible concordance was keyed to the Vulgate (Latin), completed in 1230, by Cardinal Hugo de Saint-Cher.
  • The first Hebrew concordance (Meïr Netib) was the work of Isaac Nathan ben Kalonymus, finished in 1448.
  • The first Greek New Testament concordance was by Birken in 1546.
  • The first English concordance was by Thomas Gybson in 1535 (New Testament only). 
  • Centuries later, Alexander Cruden's Concordance (KJV, 1737). The Englishman's Greek Concordance of New Testament (1839)  and The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldaic Concordance (1843), both by George Wigram.
  • Followed by more English KJV concordances: the useful Young's Analytical Concordance (1879). and then the Strong's concordance (1890).

Cruden's, Wilgram's, Young's, and Strong's are still currently available in print. This shows how important these books are to Bible students.

Nowadays, there is a lot of Bible software, word search and generating a word list are no longer an issue. They can be generated in no time at your fingertips. Strong's number system finds greater and new use in comparing different languages, as well as many lexica and Bible dictionaries also use the same Strong's Number, so that any Christian can access more reference books with minimal knowledge of Hebrew or Greek.


Monday, July 18, 2022

圣经是用外语写的!The Bible is Written in Foreign Languages



新约同样也是犹太人写的(有些人认为路加是希腊化的犹太人,或者可能是希腊人)。新约是用他们那个时代的通用语言——希腊语写成的(现在称为通俗希腊语Koine Greek)。是為向整个罗马帝国,向地中海东部传播好消息。虽然语言是希腊语,但聖經的文化本質是犹太人的(不用多说,耶稣是个犹太人!)。




但是,如果我们想初步体验这些语言,我们可以使用 "原文逐字对照 Interlinear Bible" 来弥补這個差距。

在我们的 "圣经阅读"页面中,我们有 3 本带 Strong's 原文编号的圣经:中文 (和合本CUV)、原文 (LC & WH) 和英文 (HCSB)。

当您将鼠标悬放(mouse-over)在 Strong's Number原文编号(以绿色字体显示,带有 Hxxxx 或 Gxxxx)上时,相同的编号将以黄色高亮突出显示。



Strong's 原文编号旁边的蓝色字体是原文的"文法編码",是动词的 TVM(Tense时态、Voice语态、Mood语气)信息。

The Bible is written in foreign languages!

Yes, the Bible was not originally written in English.  

The Old Testament was written in Hebrew (with a few passages in Aramaic). This was the language of the ancient Jews. 

The New Testament was also written by the Jews (some think that Luke, who was a Hellenistic Jew, or could be a Greek). The New Testament was written in the lingua franca of their times: in Greek, (known now as the Koine Greek), possibly with the purpose of spreading the good news to the Eastern Mediterranean, if not the entire Roman Empire. Though the language was Greek, the cultural identity was Jewish (needless to say, Jesus was a Jew!). 

Therefore, in short, Christianity is not a Western religion. There is no question about this. The origin of this faith is not from Europe or America. Its root is in the Middle East, with the Jewish people. 

What can we do with foreign languages? How can we understand them?

Of course, the most direct way is to spend some years to lean them, the grammar and the vocabulary, etc, then you can read the Bible in the original languages.

But if we want to have a first taste of the languages, we can use the Interlinear Bible to bridge the gap.

On our Bible Page, we have 3 Bibles all keyed with Strong's Number: Chinese (CUV), Original Language (LC & WH), and English (HCSB).

When you mouse-over the Strong's Number (show in Green font, with Hxxxx or Gxxxx), the identical numbers will be highlighted in yellow.

When you left-click with the mouse, the high-light will be in Blue font and will stay on. The left-click is a toggle switch.

When you right-click, a small pop-up will appear with a brief definition of the word. For the moment, this definition is only in Simplified Chinese.

The Blue font codes next to the Strong's numbers are the TVM (Tense, Voice & Mood) information for the verbs.


Friday, July 15, 2022

“原文逐字对圣经”是什么? What is Interlinear Bible?


1. 它使用原文圣经,旧约用希伯来语,新约用希腊语。

2. 上帝 YHWH 的名字——Yahweh(H3068、H3069 和缩写 Yah H3050)在希伯来原文圣经中经常使用。

3. 提高我们的认知:所有中文/英文圣经都是翻译。

4. 所有语言都不同,它们都使用各自文化中的词语和表达方式,有些字是容易直接翻译,有些则难以翻译。

5. 大多数语言的词序都是不同的。因此,若以与原文相同的词序顺序进行的逐字翻译(即真正的原文逐字对),其可读性并不高。

6. 由于各种原因,有些原文词字没有被翻译。 (a) 有些词无法翻译 (b) 有些是重复的,完整的翻译似乎是多余的,因此经常被译者遗漏。

例如:H853 在 Gen 1:1 中使用了两次。


7. 译文中的一些词句是译者为了表达完整性而添加的,通常是隐含在上下文中的。

8. Strong's Numbers 是一种快速匹配不同语言单词的工具。一些希伯来语/希腊语圣经词典也使用 原文编号 (Strong's Number)。

9. 有必要学习这些语言(希伯来语/希腊语),以便从原文圣经中获得更多亮光。


What is an "interlinear" Bible with Strongs Numbers?

1. It brings in the original languages: Hebrew for the Old Testament, and Greek for the New Testament.

2. The name of God YHWH -- Yahweh (H3068, H3069 & the short form Yah H3050) are frequently used in the original Hebrew Scripture.

3. It increases our awareness that all the Chinese / English Bibles are translations.

4. All languages are different; they all use words and expressions in their cultures. Some are easy to translate directly, and some are more difficult to translate.

5. The word order is different in most languages. Therefore a word-to-word translation in the same word-order sequence as the original languages (ie a true interlinear) is not quite readable.

6. Some of the original words are not translated for various reasons (a) some words are untranslatable (b) some are repetitive and full translation may seem redundant and therefore often left out by the translator.s

eg: H853 is used twice in Gen 1:1.

It is a primitive  particle,  Its definition: Untranslatable mark of the accusative case; mark of accusative, prefixed as a rule only to nouns that are definite.  

7. Some of the words in the translation are added by the translators in order to bring out completeness in the expression, some are implied in the context.

8. Strong's Numbers are a quick tool to match the words across different languages. Some Hebrew / Greek Bible dictionaries & lexicons are also keyed with Strong's NUmber.

9. There is a need to study the languages in order to reap the fuller benefits of using the Bible with the Original Languages.


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

欢迎您 Welcome







一个大特点是原文编号(Strong's Number)。有了它,您可以追溯原始希伯来语或希腊语原文圣经,您可以与中、英文圣经作平行对照。



作为一个服侍 了30 多年、研读神话语的人,看到阿摩司书 8:11-13 的话语在我们这一代基督徒中应验,令我时刻警醒。

11 主雅伟说:“日子将到,




12 他们必飘流,




13 当那日,美貌的处女和少年的男子必因干渴发昏。







Dear Readers,

This is a new beginning.

This is a new blogger.

I am going to introduce a very good Bible reading site here (Even though this website is presently in Chinese, an English website is in the planning stage).  At present, you can still participate to know the value and potential of this website.

As this website is currently in progress, we pray that the website can surely help you read the Word of God chapter by chapter.  You can read the English versions that are put on the present website.

Strong's Numbers

The one outstanding feature is the Strong's Number. With it, you can trace the original Hebrew or Greek text of the Bible in the original languages, you can identify the parallel translations in Chinese and the English Bibles.

In this age of deception, it is important that every Christian makes use of the available Bible tools to really study the Word of God with accuracy and clarity.

As one who have ministered the Word of God for more than 30+ years, it is heartbreaking for me to see the words of Amos 8:11-13 coming true in our generation of Christians.

Amos 8:11-13

“Look! The days are coming,”
    declares the Lord YHWH,
“when I will send a famine throughout the land—
    not a famine of food or a thirst for water—
        but rather a famine of hearing the words of YHWH.
12 People[a] will stagger from sea to sea,
    from north to east.
They will run back and forth,
    searching for a message from the YHWH,
        but they won’t find it.
13 At that time,
    the beautiful virgins will faint,
        as will the strong young men—from thirst.

Truly, we live in a sad situation in which  many serious Christians and even pastors & ministers are not very interested in the Word of God these days. This is a big burden on our hearts.  No wonder Amos predicted that people will run back and forth searching for a message from God but there is nowhere to be found.  They won't find it.  Where are the messengers of God who can carry the truth of God's word these days to His people?  Where are the pastors or ministers who truly do the word of God and know the truth of God's word with truth and clarity?  There will be a famine because true messengers of God are few. As a result, there will be a famine of hearing the words of God.  We need to bring people back to YHWH to hear a message from YHWH.

So we do pray that this blog and website will help people to get serious with the word of God.  

This is an Online Virtual Interlinear Bible, easier to use than the printed version.

Hope you will enjoy this.


Neapolis, the Port Town 尼亚波利 (现称 卡瓦拉)

 Neapolis, the ancient port where Paul first came to European soil, is now called Kavala.  尼亚波利(Neapolis)是保罗首次踏上欧洲土地的古老港口,现称为卡瓦拉(Kavala)。 By...